I have fallen in love. It happened fast and might only be a Summer fling but it's still defiantly true love.....
Saturday I hit the mall needing to stock up on some of my MAC favorites. I do the recycling program there which you should be doing too if you're not already! If you aren't familiar with MAC (who isn't?) every time you use six of their products up instead of throwing them away you turn them back in. Your six empty makeup containers score you a free lipstick of your choice. How sweet is that???? I go through six pretty fast since I use their mascara everyday of my life. Even if I'm having a no makeup day which I try to do once a week I always need that little bit of mascara. But back to your free lipstick! How wonderful is that? It's a great way to try out new colors that you normally would never buy for yourself. So I'm standing at the MAC counter lusting over everything there... I know it's bad but I just love MAC makeup.... anyways I'm picking out color after color asking the hubby what do you think of this one? Finally I narrow it down to a coral color and a pink color. The hubby says the pink is brighter then anything I have, so I go with it. As soon as we leave the counter I pull out my little wallet mirror and apply. It's love at first sight! Bold, vibrant, luscious, hot pink!!! If you do not own this little tube of Girl About Town stop what you're doing and go buy it! The hubby complemented my new pink kissers multiple times that day so did everyone else. I'm in love with Girl About Town.

This color looks so good on so many different people! Here are few celebs just to show it off...
Beyonce Knowles
I was asked how long this color will stay true on your lips. Well I woke up the next morning after washing my face the night before with pink lips. So I hope that helps show you the staying power of MAC.
Me in my new summer love lipcolor Girl About Town by MAC
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