
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Can you pass the pencil test?

Late one night after the hubby is passed out on the couch I see an infomercial come on for a workout video.  Now I'm not one for at home workout videos.  They just don't motivate me.  At the gym other people are watching you if you slack off or don't have proper form.  At home it's just Sophie (our lhasapoo).  But when Leandro Carvalho comes on with his thick sexy Brazilian accent and he says he trains Victoria Secerets models... come on now who doesn't starve themselves after watching the VS fashion show every year!!  Ok maybe we don't go that far but I think most women would agree their bodies are insane!  They always look airburshed perfect!  I'm a big fan of Adriana Lima personaly I think she is the most beautiful women I've ever seen!  But back to the video.  Carvalho is dancing around and has such magnetic energy you can't help but watch him.  He is telling me how he can change my body, how I can have the same butt as the women of Rio de Janeiro!!  I'm hooked!  Ok ok so maybe I want to belive any workout, skin care, or makeup product that says it's going to work miracles!  But don't we all as women??

Before and after picture from the Beach Body website.

A week later my package arives!!!  Videos, meal plans, resistant bands, workout cards, measuring tape.. it has it all.  So the first step is to weigh in and take measurements.  I'm a little addicted to weighing myself if I tell the truth.  I weigh in almost every morning as motivation.  If I've had good or bad days the scale doesn't lie.  After I get everything written down it says to take the pencil test.  Pencil test?  Ok so you take a pencil it's included by the way and stick it under your tush.  If the pencil falls you pass!!  If the pencil stays in place you fail :(  You do this again on day two and day thirty.  The goal is to have a lifted, rounder, tighter tush by the end.

Carvalho keeps you motivated the entire video.  It's hard to cheat with him!!  As I'm sweating my tushy off and I really just need to stop and take a breather he keeps telling me in that sexy, energetic Brazilian accent you're only cheating yourself!!  Some of the moves he has me doing I would never  think about doing in a gym.  Carvalho works every muscle possible in your legs, butt, thighs, and abs.  I'm not thirty days in yet but I can already tell a difference.  I plan on holding Carvalho to his promise that he will change my body and I will have a Brazilian butt in the end! :)

Brazil Butt Lift works!!  It is hard very hard and you will want to quit.  You will want to yell and say things to Carvalho that are not very nice.  But if you decide to dedicate yourself and stick to it you will pass the pencil test! :)

Try the Brazil butt lift videos you wont regret the purchase!

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